Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Chocolate Chip Cookies

It feels like forever since I have posted something. I have a ton to catch-up on, but I thought I would start with the star of the show and make grandparents happy :). She is the reason they check this blog anyway...right? It's ok, I can't blame you. She is pretty cute.

It has been raining the past several days so Elianna and I made Chocolate Chip Cookies for our man. Justin loves them. Someday she will be great help in the kitchen, but until then I spend just about as much time cleaning up after her as I do preparing the food. It works out great just having one kido. Adding a little time for clean-up is usually no problem. Add a baby and I think plans will change. Better enjoy this time while it lasts. Anyway, Ellie loves chocolate and that was great motivation for her to help. You know how it goes: eat a little, stir a little. She was a real ham for the camera when I took still shots, but I thought you might like to see her skills in person. With a little training she'll be a chef sometime soon...ok, maybe with a LOT of training. Better get the grandmas over here soon to teach her the "right" way :). She'll be in real trouble if I'm her only influence.

OH and here is another little story about Elianna. Usually I do my quiet time in the front room with a cup of black coffee during her morning nap time. Well I guess I forgot to bring the coffee cup in from the living room this morning, because after nap time she found the cup. There must have been some coffee left because when I caught her she had coffee dripping from her mouth with a look of disgust on her face. Guess she is not a coffee drinker yet. It was pretty cute to see her try. I should count my blessings that she didn’t break the cup or pour out the coffee!

Final note here: check out the clump of cookie dough on the wall in the video. We make sure the whole kitchen is covered when we are cooking.

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