Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Best Friends Forever

Gabriela Grogg is 6 months older than Elianna and I can't explain how happy I am that Elianna will have a friend to grow-up with living overseas. Reasa (Gabby's mom) and I call them our "puppies" because they act like puppies when they play together. It is so cute. They will become best friends, FOR SURE. I've included a video of them playing together. Gabby is cleaning her with a wash cloth as any good mom would do! Reasa is in the background and this video was taken at our house in Elianna's room. Here is a big sigh of relief for the blessing of good friends, Ahhhhhhh.


Unknown said...

Hey Guys,

Too cute!!! I can not believe how much she has grown, she looks like a little lady! I am excited about your blog, great idea!!! Love and miss you all!!!


Lisa said...

Hi Veronica, I'm a friend of Reasa's from Arizona, and she had me look at this video of Gabby and Eliana playing together. That is so cute! I just wanted to say that I'm so thankful that you and Reasa have become good friends. I sure miss her, but it's so comforting to know she's got great friends there too! By the way, I love your blog! :)