Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Processing Life

Not sure if copy right laws apply to blogs or not, but I just can't help putting a couple paragraphs from my friend Reasa's blog on here. We have been processing life together and I can't tell you how wonderful it is to have a fellow friend and mother to process with. Here is what we have been working through lately. (Side note: Reasa's husband is Jon) :

"Lately I have been stressing myself out and I couldn't really figure out why. I tried to put it all into words the other night while I was talking to Jon. It really came down to figuring out who I am here in this place. Thankfully, Jesus provided my friend Veronica and I with some time to take a walk with the kids yesterday (in the heat of the day! what were we thinking?!). After chatting awhile we figured out we were both struggling with some of the same emotions. One being guilt. I remembered something I heard from our friend Phil when he and his wife visited this Spring. He said (well, what I heard him saying anyways!) was in order to truly be authentic you have to keep the gap closed between who you know you are and who people think you are. That is why I started this blog back hopes of keeping this gap closed. I don't want my friends and family back in America to think I am something I am not. And when I feel like I haven't clearly communicated who I really am and what I am doing here then I allow myself to feel shouldn't I be able to learn a new language, build relationships with nationals, have good relationships with Americans here, keep a clean house, never have dishes in the sink, stay on top of relationships back in America, grow in the Lord, take care of my husband and my 2 children, exercise & eat right, cook healthy meals, read books about parenting, get out of my house, and get 2 loads of laundry done a day (without a dryer)?? I mean, really, what is wrong with me??!! I guess I finally came to the conclusion I can't get all of these things done perfectly :) Are any of you surprised? :) I didn't think so!

Phil shared Hebrews 3:12-14 with us when he was talking about being authentic and also the importance of encouraging one another. Authenticity and encouragement are what help us choose Him over sin. I had never really put that together when reading these verses before. But now it makes perfect sense to me why I need other people and why I need to allow people to see the real me. It produces unity, harmony, and is praise to the Lord (Romans 15:7). And it helps me put aside my own fleshly desires & reactions (like grabbing the chocolate when the ants start coming in through my cabinets).

Jon used this verse to encourage me the other night. Maybe it can also encourage you today...leave the dishes in the sink, forget about the dirty floor and all the demands that come with raising small people...b/c when we know Jesus, we have everything we need already :)

"His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness." 2 Peter 1:3

I am so thankful that what I need to be doing most of all is just knowing Jesus."

Veronica here: Can I get an amen to this insightful work of blog theology? Yes, I am totally blessed to have friends around me who love the Lord more than anything else this world has to offer; even things in Africa like cheap amusement parks. I'm not really sure what people think about us living in Africa. About what our life is like and the challenges we face or don't face. All I know is that my life feels pretty simple right now. I'm a stay-at-home mother of a cute 9 month old who is trying her best to love her husband and love those around her. Some days that role is easier than others. What I want more than anything else is authentic relationships with my friends and family so that the stress of being someone I'm not will vanish and I can just be me. The unglamorous, simple, yet fun loving (wink) woman God is creating me to be. Stay tuned into this blog for even more insightful words of wisdom from Reasa-- as soon as we are able to find time to walk together and process more. First it is discovering the value of being vunerable and authentic, next we will tackle world hunger and euthanasia. Well, more like the best cure for diaper rash, but that's is interesting too...right?

1 comment:

reasa said...

Ah yes, world hunger and euthanasia for sure after we tackle diaper rash! your birthday is this MONTH!! big party for us in the near future! i better start cooking now... :) love you friend!