Monday, July 26, 2010

Pool Time

Having a blog really is fun. During this season of my life I don't have much time to write long entries, but instead of getting overwhelmed I 'm just going to try to write more often, but shorter entries. They say a picture can say 1,000 words, so who needs text? Here is a video of our new pool for summer. It's small, but perfect for the kids. Yes, Ellie said, "Dance with me" and "We are P." Not really sure what the "we are P" part is all about. She had just watched a Sesame Street video that talked about the letter "P" so I'm hoping she is talking about the letter and not the liquid. Number one pool rule: No pee in the pool, but we can let the letter P come for a visit.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can't believe how quickly our little girl is growing up. Surely do miss being there to be her North African granny!! And, what a beautiful family with new little boy! I miss you all so very much. Love you always. JL